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Happy Pride

Hello Everyone,

For June we are not hosting a Hearth event, but we’d like to encourage you to take the Pride Month of June as an opportunity to celebrate and experience some LGBTQIA+ joy.

Pride originally started as the Stonewall Uprising where gay people stood up for LGBTQIA+ rights and against police brutality. This month consider how you can step up to be an advocate or ally for the LGBTQIA+ community.

Some possible actions:

Prepare for this Sunday to make positive changes in your ward or congregation. Plan for what you might say during a Sunday lesson or discussion if there are homophobic or transphobic comments. Think about what you can do to make your ward more inclusive and welcoming to all of our Heavenly Parents’ children.

Talk to your friends and family about your thoughts/feelings about church and LGBTQIA+ inclusivity. It's possible that you don't realize how people are wrestling with this - and normalizing discussion topic is always helpful. 

Affirmation SF is planning and hosting a dance and other pride activities. Reach out to Victoria Hutchings to help with planning, set up or clean up.

Email: to get the details so you can attend.

Watch some positive LGBTQIA+ inspired media.  Some ideas here:


Buy your pride swag or other art from an LGBTQIA+ artist. Lots of options on Etsy or ask a friend of someone they love.  

San Francisco has many pride celebrations. Join one of them such as the Trans March, Dyke March or Pride Parade:



Donate to a cause that promotes LGBTQIA+ rights. There are many but if you are looking for some: 

  • The Trevor Project

  • The Human Rights Champaign

  • Genderspectrum here locally

  • Encircle in Utah

Normalize naming pronouns: use pronouns when you introduce yourself and include them on any email signatures and virtual platforms with your name. Ask others for their pronouns when meeting them.

Reach out to your elected representatives and encourage them to support any bills to protect Trans rights. Or sign up for Trans rights list-serve so you are alerted for actions. 

Ask your Relief Society or Elders Quorum president or bishop to do a Sunday lesson on LGBTQIA+ awareness and inclusion. You can find some good resources at Emmaus LGBTQ Ministry and Listen, Learn and Love.

Plan on coming to Hearth in July! We’d love to see you.

Happy Pride